UFT One 2021.x Essentials (UFTO120-2021)


Course Overview

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of how to use the UFT One version 2021 application as an automated functional testing tool. Beginning with record and playback, participants learn how to create new automated tests. They then explore enhancements, including synchronization, checkpoints, parameterization, reusable actions, function libraries, and shared object repositories.

Included is an introduction to UFT One for API testing, which contains an extensible framework for the construction and execution of functional tests of headless systems (systems that do not have a user interface).

The hands-on labs for this course use version 2021 of the UFT One software.

Who should attend

Quality Assurance engineers or any new users of UFT One.


To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge:

  • Working knowledge of Windows and web browsers
  • Experience with programming or scripting languages

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Record and create scripts using Unified Functional Testing One (UFT One)
  • Enhance the scripts with synchronization, parametrization, and checkpoints
  • Create tests on Web applications
  • Use UFT One to automate GUI and API tests
  • Test Web services with UFT One API
  • Add additional UFT One features to make the test robust and provide better coverage

Course Content

  • Module 1: Course Overview
  • Module 2: Software Overview
  • Module 3: Preparing to Record
  • Module 4: Creating a Basic Test
  • Module 5: Working with Objects
  • Module 6: Utilizing a Shared Object Repository
  • Module 7: Adding Synchronization
  • Module 8: Verifying with Standard Checkpoints
  • Module 9: Using Parameters
  • Module 10: Building Multiple Reusable Actions
  • Module 11: Adding Steps without Recording
  • Module 12: Creating Tests on a Web Application
  • Module 13: Testing Web Services with UFT One API
  • Module 14: Using UFT One with API Testing
  • Module 15: Enhancing UFT One API Tests
  • Module 16: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Appendix A: Significant Checkpoints for GUI Testing
  • Appendix B: Object Identification Techniques
  • Appendix C: Using Recovery Scenarios
  • Appendix D: Using Database Checkpoints

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

5 days

  • on request
Classroom Training

5 days

  • on request


Instructor-led Online Training:   Course conducted online in a virtual classroom.


Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST)

Online Training Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Online Training Time zone: Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Online Training Time zone: Central European Time (CET)
Online Training Time zone: Central European Time (CET)