Commvault Certified Professional Exam Prep (PEP)



  • Version 10 Core Fundamentals and Implementation and Maintenance courses along with the !CV-V11NF course or
  • Version 11 Core Fundamentals (CF) and Implementation and Maintenance (IM) course

Course Content

Review and prepare for the Commvault® Professional Certification exams. This course is designed to improve your readiness to attain the Version 11 Commvault Professional Certification. The course will review key subject areas of the exam and the number of questions to expect in each area. Sample questions from the actual exams will be used to review, illustrate, and clarify each of the key subject areas. Supplemental study aids and activities will be recommended to further improve your readiness to attain the latest Commvault Professional Certification.

This course is appropriate for those attending the latest V11 Core Fundamentals and Implementation and Maintenance courses, needing additional review and assistance in preparing for the V11 Commvault Professional Certification exams. This course is also appropriate for those who hold the Version 10 Professional Certification, attended the V11 New Features course and need additional assistance and review prior to attempting the V11 Professional upgrade exam.

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

1 day

  • 720.— €

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.