Security Analysis

Purple Team Trainings

The term Team may be correct in Red and Blue teaming, as this is a fixed group whose goal is either to defend the infrastructure and, in the case of the Red Team, to develop and execute attack scenarios. The Purple Team is a combination of members from both teams.

What is the Purple Team concerned with?

Both the Red Team and the Blue Team are responsible for improving IT security within an organization, but there are often rivalries or communication problems between the teams because both want to keep their approaches to themselves. For example, the Red Team does not share all the methods used to compromise systems, while Blue Teams usually do not want to share how they detected and mitigated attacks.

This is where the Purple Team comes in. The team is designed to cause Red and Blue team members to collaborate better and more effectively, and to share information between these teams. The Purple Team also serves as a communication interface to other departments within the organization in the event of incident response.

Trainings for the Purple Team

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Purple Team Trainings