CyberSAFE (CS)


Course Overview

CyberSAFE allows organizations to increase their security posture quickly and with minimal investment by ensuring that end-users are equipped with the knowledge necessary to be good stewards of their organisations’ data.

This 3.5 hour course is designed to prepare students for the Certified CyberSAFE credential. Students can obtain their Certified CyberSAFE certificate by completing the Certified CyberSAFE credential process on the platform once the training has been completed, during the session.

Who should attend

This course is designed for non-technical end-users of computers, mobile devices, networks, and the Internet, enabling employees of any organization to use technology more securely to minimize digital risks.


To ensure success in this course, students should have experience with the basic use of conventional end-user technology, including desktop, laptop, or tablet computers, cell phones, and basic Internet functions such as web browsing and email.

Course Objectives

Students will identify many of the common risks involved in using conventional end-user technology, as well as ways to use it safely, to protect themselves and their organizations from those risks.

Prix & Delivery methods

Formation en ligne

0,5 jours

  • CHF 500,–
Formation en salle équipée

0,5 jours

  • Suisse : CHF 500,–

Actuellement aucune session planifiée